I'm So Glad You Are Here

Intuitive Check In Session
This 30 minute 1:1 session is all about focusing on one specific question or event you want to shift, understand and gain more clarity on. Great option as a follow up to a 1:1 Private Healing Session or on it's own for a quick support call.
Price: $200
**All distance energy work is just as powerful as in person**

Private Healing Session
This 1 hour 15 min 1:1 remote healing session is about creating the greatest shifts and life changes possible. Includes: intuitive guidance; regarding health, relationships, finances, life decisions or any area of your life you want to focus on. Along with energetic healing; trauma and past healing and overall connection and alignment. Guiding you to emotional harmony and trust in yourself and your life ahead.
Price: $450
**All distance energy work is just as powerful as in person**

House Energy Clearing Session
Your home is a sacred place and should be treated as such. Clearing and boosting energy is essential to the overall support of the life you are creating and maintaining. These sessions are focused on removing and clearing stagnant, negative and dark energies in a home and replacing that space with love, light and boosting the frequency of the home for the most beautiful energetic experience for you. This is great for any sort of timeline whether you are moving into a new home or already currently living there.
Price: $300
*All distance energy work is just as powerful as in person**

Intuitive Support Session:
Kids + Family
This session is a piece of my heart and soul. Parenting is a wild ride and I'm here to make it as effortless as possible. It's a delicate balance and intuitively tapping in for the individual child is life changing, liberating and gives a sense of harmony to the whole family. These sessions are tailored and customized to the family dynamic and child. A session with the parent(s) is part of our time together so I can get a birds eye view. There will be time for me to have a jam session with the child, this is more for me to gain clarity on my intuitive hits and connection with the child to give the most aligned assessment. All ages welcome.
Price: $475
**All distance energy work is just as powerful as in person**

The Spiritual as F*ck Mentorship Program
This mentorship program is a first come first serve basis. It's a small group program that runs every 3 months for 60 days. It's a highly intuitive based program that guides you from trauma and grief to emotional harmony and trust in yourself and your life ahead. It is a masterclass in healing and is a roll up your sleeves and tackle the biggest blocks in the quickest amount of time sort of vibe. This program includes: weekly Soul Circles, access to me via email, text and phone weekly, weekly healing sessions and guidance, weekly healing audios and intuitive check ins to keep you on track and work through any blocks in the process and a massive amount of spiritual understandings and tools that will set you up for life ahead outside of our time together. This program is not for the faint of heart - it is for those that are ready to feel better and will stop at nothing to get there. If you're curious if it's a good fit, reach out and let's chat.
Price: Request Pricing
**All distance energy work is just as powerful as in person**

Healing Audios
Healing audios are intuitively curated Source guided words, healings and connections that are recorded and sent to you as an audio file. Healing audios are used in meditation, at bedtime, during difficult moments, to help ease anxiety and fears, clear energy and blocks, boost mood and the list goes on and on. There are a handful of healing audios for relaxation, anxiety, clarity, clearing energy and soul connection. By request healing audios can be curated and tailored to you for a specific event, alignment or emotion you are working through. Reach out to learn more and see which healing audio would intuitively guide you best. Healing audios vary in time from 10 minutes - 20 minutes and can be listened to over and over again and on your phone, tablet or computer.
Price: Request Pricing
**All distance energy work is just as powerful as in person**