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about Marlo Lemmon

Your Soul Muse...

SOULD MUSE - Marlo-Nash Beach-15_edited_edited.jpg

Ok, here we are. First, I'm so glad you found me! No coincidence let's get to it. Energy is my first language and I speak and see in soul. That means I see and feel what's past just the naked eye. Yet I bridge the two together. Human self and soul self to live the most aligned, complete, fulfilling harmonious life. With my life experience and over 10,000 hours of mastery in understanding this world and how it works, I have dedicated my healing and soul purpose to guiding others on this wild ride we call life.  I help you drastically change aspects of your life that are ready for an upgrade and even some you might not be aware of. No matter what you've been through or are currently navigating, I guide you to emotional harmony and trust in yourself and life ahead. What are ya waitin for? Let's do this...

You could say Marlo's human journey started 40 years ago...
but 6 years ago is when that wild ride to spiritual as f*ck began...

At 33 years old Marlo, found herself as a single mom to a 1 year old and a widow overnight. After Marlo found her husband after he took his own life, her world and the lens she viewed it through changed forever. At that time it was the scariest, loneliest, confusing thing to navigate, but very quickly she saw what was in front of her. And she chose to alchemize the pain and heartache and use it for good. The spiritual methodalogies were the puzzle pieces she was missing. She always felt like life felt a little bit off, but could never put her finger on it. Until she did. She found her purpose, her people, herself, her understanding of her past and where her present was guiding her future. Each stone she turned over, led her to the next thing, which catapulted her healing journey and there was no turning back.

With Marlo's intense desire to end the cycle of pain and complete the healing, for herself and her son Nash, she chose to take everything she learned and to use herself as the vessel to find the light in the darkness. She became a student of life and a teacher to others. With all the pieces that shattered that day 6 years ago, she rebuilt upon a stronger foundation. Life and how she feels about it is more beautiful, fulfilling, trusting and aligned than she ever knew was possible.
Marlo now has had years and years of practice integrating spiritual life tools and her understanding of how this world works. She uses her real life as the canvas to practice all she picks up along the way, so she can actually test it all out before sharing it with you. The journey is 
continuous, but knowing how to settle into emotional harmony all while having a plan for whatever life throws your the most empowering, liberating and peaceful feeling we can gift ourselves.

Through her life experience and years of mastery as a spiritual teacher and intuitive energy healer Marlo, has honed in on her abilities to be able to line up others with what they were put here to do and make sense of life's sh*t storms. Through her Wild Voice Podcast, self help memoir Soul Muse, 1:1 healing sessions, mentorship programs, healing audios and community Soul Circles, Marlo guides you from grief, trauma, heartache, confusion and hopelessness (to name a few), to emotional harmony and trust in yourself and life ahead.

Gone are the days of feeling like you're alone. Marlo will guide you to your most connected, empowered self, with the most streamlined and tailored support and guidance; all while simultaneously giving you the ability to resonate with your own inner knowing and belief in yourself that will naturally align you with never feeling like you are alone again. 

Let's Be Authentic AF
Old Programming + An Open Heart
My Story + Balancing Heavy Energy
The Marlo + Nash Show Ep. 1
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