If you're like me, you take all this woo woo stuff with a grain of salt. UNTIL you do enough research to make your eyeballs ache and find the right people that resonate with you to help you along the way. After buying books galore, that I usually skim and leave by my bed (with intentions to read but never do), I happened to come across 2 ladies that I trusted and valued their way of living, so their referrals and recommendations made jumping into this easy. In this case, the amazing Angie Banicki, who is a very gifted tarot card reader, referred me to another amazing human Courtney Abbiati. Can we just take a minute and love on both of their names?? Um hello, you two just sound cool! So back to it...
I was asking Angie, for a medium referral, which again is another thing you really are uncertain about until you find the right person who you vibe with. In the same breath, I also asked if she knew anyone that was well versed on crystals because I was looking to start using them. She highly recommended Courtney for both. Two for one special! Heeeyo!
Courtney and I spoke on the phone briefly about crystals, then realized the medium work needed to happen first (insert stubborn late husband who had some things he wanted Courtney to pass along). After a totally spot on medium session (seriously she knew things that would be impossible for people to know) we talked crystals and what would be a good starting point. Courtney was amazing with giving me some ideas, without overwhelming me and given my circumstances and what I had, and was going through, gave great suggestions. From there, it's evolved into her being at the most recent annual crystals trade show (or whatever they call it) and her and I getting on the phone and me spouting a million things I wanted for a space in my new home at an alter, for my desk, bedrooms, kitchen, you name it. The added bonus was, I also would be taking healing sessions in that space which meant specific crystals to protect me and my home during that was important too. Courtney and I dorked over texted pictures of different crystals I wanted or what she thought would be a great fit.....and a million emoji correspondences later, a week had passed and she had a bunch of crystal goodies ready for me to come pick up when I was in LA next.
So, as I ramble...my point is; if you're interested in crystals, learning about them, using them or are just intrigued but don't know where to start....You can go for books that resonate and if you want to take it a step further, reach out to Ms Courtney! She's amazingly educated on all that is this crystal world, she takes sourcing seriously and she's a hoot. Buying crystals is definitely an art because like a lot of things that have a saturated market, quality is VERY important and makes a huge difference in the quality and vibrations (which equals benefit) of the crystals and it's effects. She's given me the same advice a few times when trying to decide on crystals and it's always about going with your gut and what resonates with you. If it catches your eye, there's a reason, if you could care less...trust that too. Like everything, trust your instincts, they're always right.
Now go find a crystal that catches your eye, makes you feel tingly or just flat out jumps out and you. Put it in your space, pay attention to how it makes you feel and don't forget to put them outside on the full moon nights to recharge them! Crystals give off energy, which means they also absorb it. So clearing them often recharges them and keeps them vibing for you the way they should. The moon cycles are a whole other bag of beans/crystals that is all intertwined and so intriguing, so more on that to come. Before I forget, if you are looking for beautiful crystal necklaces/pendulums (that are also sourced with the utmost care and quality) check out @healinglotusdesigns on Insta. She's out of Australia but makes some amazing pieces and they are so worth the wait!
Know that I am a total believer in you never have to take all aspects of something, there are no rules. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest. And totally get a crystals dealer. So fun.